About Me
I became a Humanist Celebrant because I believe strongly that non-religious people, such as me, are entitled and should be empowered to have the freedom and choice to mark significant life events such as marriage, partnership and vow renewals in a way which is meaningful, sincere, personal and profound.

My background is in public speaking, in writing, training and giving presentations all over the world and to people from all walks of life, cultures and backgrounds. For some years I ran a farmhouse B&B from my olive farm in Spain, ably assisted by assorted cats and dogs and friends, happily welcoming, hosting and caring for people from all over the world – a lot of hard work, a whole lot of fun and perfect for me as I am easy going, calm, and approachable. But, above all, because I love people and am always curious to hear their stories – which makes my role as a Celebrant a genuine joy.
Crafting, designing and conducting magical and personal ceremonies; bringing a sense of joy to every occasion.

All this (together with more than a little smattering of good old “am dram”) means I am a confident, flexible, relaxed and polished Celebrant; just as happy wearing a smart suit and heels conducting a formal,elegant ceremony in a high end venue or – being a country girl at heart – donning wellies (preferably pink ones, obviously) and squelching around in a field or delivering an informal ceremony on a beach feeling the warm, soft sand beneath the toes.
Whether you are looking for a small, private, and sweetly simple intimate ceremony or something formal and on a much grander scale (and why ever not!?), whatever you are looking for I am happy to help design the event you want without any religious, legal or other constraints.
“Listening is a gift. And, one Lorna has, and uses, to the benefit of the couples she works with.”
Contact me for an informal chat.